There are so many serious problems and environmental issues at work within the Presidio that I really wanted to design a robot with more of a light-hearted purpose. The main function of my robot is to take photographs of birds. Let's hold here for a moment to let me emphasize that I would never classify myself as a “bird lover.” I do not bird watch, my family never owned birds, and I do not collect objects patterned with birds. Though I do not consider myself a bird lover, I do consider myself a nature lover.
There is a simple beauty to animals eating, fighting, playing, and living undisturbed by human presence. I believe that exposing the intricate dramas that take place in an animal’s life will engage citizens and make them more invested in and willing to preserve species and habitats. My robot is called Rara Avis, or RA for short. RA is a robot with two main purposes; the first to provide content to the public, the second to provide information to the Presidio’s biologists. The primary goal of Rarae Aves will be to photograph the moments in a bird’s life that are rarely observed by humans. The robots will provide a unique perspective, which will engage visitors and residents alike, and will encourage them to feel a stronger connection with the Presidio and the birds that live within its boundaries.
There is a simple beauty to animals eating, fighting, playing, and living undisturbed by human presence. I believe that exposing the intricate dramas that take place in an animal’s life will engage citizens and make them more invested in and willing to preserve species and habitats. My robot is called Rara Avis, or RA for short. RA is a robot with two main purposes; the first to provide content to the public, the second to provide information to the Presidio’s biologists. The primary goal of Rarae Aves will be to photograph the moments in a bird’s life that are rarely observed by humans. The robots will provide a unique perspective, which will engage visitors and residents alike, and will encourage them to feel a stronger connection with the Presidio and the birds that live within its boundaries.