Pick an interactive product you use regularly and discuss how the interactions would change if you suddenly interacted with it from a very different distance. Besides the actual points of interactivity, how would the product as a whole change as a result of the new interactive distance?In the (slightly racist) explanation of Edward Hall's Proxemic Theory, Em Griffin gives us an understanding of Intimate, Personal, Social, and Public distances. I believe our current driving experience is generally an intimate experience between driver and car. We interact with our car at less than 18 inches and our main way of judging the space is through touch and smell. We're not operating our cars with our voices, and certainly not operating them with our eyes.
What happens if/when our cars are driving themselves? I think the new interactive distance would be at least personal, and maybe even social. At the personal level we rely more on what we see and vocalizations come into play. But, I want a self-driving car because I don't want to stress about traffic. I want it to be easy and safe for me to disengage, which brings the interaction into the social distance.
Regardless of which side of the personal/social line autonomous cars will be on, I think our relationship with our cars will evolve. Today when we drive, our cars are an extension of ourselves; I slam my foot down on the brake, my car slams to a halt. My hands are always on the steering wheel and I can affect the direction as quickly as my brain can send the signal to my hands. The intimate relationship of the cars reaction to our bodily action will be gone with self-driving cars. Changes to the interactive distance with our cars could mean major changes to the interiors of the cars. Once we are no longer drivers, I think we will demand and desire all of the comforts and flexibility we have within our homes and offices. Perhaps the car will become nothing more than a commuter train is now -- another space to catch up on work, eat breakfast, or have a snooze.
I have been late to school twice this week, and it's only Wednesday. Why? Because people drive like idiots. Dear autonomous cars, please hurry.
Really nice post. I agree that the implications for car design are tremendous when we no longer have to actively (and intimately) drive. A great canvas for design!