

[business of design] Amanda Palmer: The Art of Asking

Don't make people pay for music, let them. In her TED talk, Amanda Palmer from the Dresden Dolls focuses on using the internet to have a direct connection with her fans, both monetarily and socially. Her message of don't be afraid to ask for what you need resonates with me. In her talk she mentions that artists and musicians particularly have a difficult time asking for help, but I think it goes far beyond artists and musicians.

When I was 19 I had to get my first letter of recommendation for a job; I was so hesitant to ask a family friend for the letter that I almost did not finish the application. Eventually I asked for the help, and I got the job. So yes, I agree with her, asking for help is hard. Luckily, in the years since 19 I have learned that generally people really do want to help you. Now when I need help, I ask for it.

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