

[IxD Theory] Frontiers

What is the next frontier for connectivity? What will make it stick?
For many of us in developed nations, technology constantly demands our attention. It's hard to imagine being much more connected that we already are, but increased connectivity seems unavoidable. Since our dependence and desire for connected devices will only increase, maybe the answer is to change the manner in which we connect. I hope that the next frontier for connectivity will be ubiquitous computing. One definition of ubiquitous computing that resonates with me is "machines that fit the human environment instead of forcing humans to enter theirs."

The Internet of Things, yes, of course, for me the question is how will all of these connected objects speak to us. I'm tired of constant updates, notifications, and permissions.  I believe the solution will come through the interaction design process. It is pretty exciting to think about this problem/future because as an interaction designer there is actually the potential to do something. I hope that someday we look back at all of the blinking, bouncing, and popping of current technology and scoff at it's lack of refinement.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that ubicomp is coming closer and closer to being a reality. It worries me too though, because I'm not sure ubicomp will really alleviate the first problem you mention about technology demanding our attention (think google glasses - those are pretty darn demanding from what I understand). it's going to take an enormous amount of design effort to truly achieve machines that fit the human environment!
