

[Business of Design] Reflections and wrap-up

If you were teaching this course next year, what one thing would you add and what one thing would you subtract? Please explain why you would do these things.
I would take away the Indigogo campaign. It is great to know how to manage a fundraising campaign like this, but I'm not convinced that the experience was as beneficial enough to make it worth the time spent on it. The fundraising campaign doesn't take cultural differences into account (Indiegogo had trouble with international credit cards, for one) and it's not clear to me why all of our fundraising went to Architecture for Humanity. It may be a great organization, but it would be nice if we had some say in what we were raising money for rather than being told top-down who we were raising money for.

 I would add more of the budget side of business. Unfortunately the day we covered budgets was the day that both Christopher and Maria were out. We got the overview, but then when working on our budgets there was a lot of wild guessing and speculation. I understand that an educated guess is often good enough when you're pitching your idea, but it would be nice to spend more time learning where those numbers actually do come from when we need to do more than just guess.

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